Join us for our Dinksgiving Tournament to benefit the Jonnycake Center! Signups can be found here.
Private and semi-private lessons available - contact
M.J. & Alex's Smile
The Alex’s Smile Fund was established by Mary Jean “M.J.” Miniati as a tribute to her son, Alex, who passed away at the age of 4 ½. Alex attended Meeting Street and was a happy and loving child whose infectious smile touched the lives of everyone he met. The Fund helped Meeting Street construct its therapeutic pool, which is used every day by students both with and without special needs. Your support of the Alex’s Smile Fund makes it possible for hundreds of children to enjoy the pool at Meeting Street, and supports the School’s aquatic therapy program.
Thank you to all who participated in the spring and fall tournaments ! We raised over $10,000 for Meeting Street School Alex's Smile Fund!

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More Joy is an Official Selkirk and RIA Eyewear representative. Sample new paddles and level up your game!
Online store coming soon! Contact us with any questions regarding paddles or eyewear.
For more Pickleball information, visit Selkirk TV